Company Overview

Tate is a network of four art museums based in the United Kingdom. These museums house a national collection of British art dating from the 16th century to present day, and an international collection of both modern and contemporary art.

Tate was founded in 1897 by Henry Tate as an extension of the National Gallery to house only British art. After breaking off from the National Gallery in 1955, the first location became known as Tate Britain, while three other locations were established across the United Kingdom to become Tate Liverpool, Tate St Ives, and Tate Modern.



Problem & Solution

Though Tate is a very widely known institution of art galleries in the United Kingdom, the current logo of the company lacks a strong and distinguishable logo. The goal of this project is to redesign the logo while remaining true to the history of Tate.

Tate's current identity


TATE Simple Logo.png

Secondary logo



Type Palette

Color Palette

color palette.jpg
type palette.jpg




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As a source of ambient advertising, I have designed a "pop-up" art gallery maze. In this case, a simple structure could be constructed anywhere in the city, and art placed within. Visitors could find their way through the simple maze while enjoying the art that adorns the walls.